






付記A. ISO 8601のABNF集

   This information is based on the 1988 version of ISO 8601.  There may
   be some changes in the 2000 revision.

当情報は、ISO 8601の1988年版に基づいている。2000年版には若干の変更があるかもしれない。

   ISO 8601 does not specify a formal grammar for the date and time
   formats it defines.  The following is an attempt to create a formal
   grammar from ISO 8601.  This is informational only and may contain
   errors.  ISO 8601 remains the authoritative reference.

ISO 8601は、定義する日付と時間の書式の正式な文法を規定しない。以下はISO 8601の正式な文法の作成を試みるものである。これは情報的であり、エラーを含む可能性もある。ISO 8601が正式な参照文献であることに変わりはない。

   Note that due to ambiguities in ISO 8601, some interpretations had to
   be made.  First, ISO 8601 is not clear if mixtures of basic and
   extended format are permissible.  This grammar permits mixtures. ISO
   8601 is not clear on whether an hour of 24 is permissible only if
   minutes and seconds are 0.  This assumes that an hour of 24 is
   permissible in any context.  Restrictions on date-mday in section 5.7
   apply.  ISO 8601 states that the "T" may be omitted under some
   circumstances.  This grammar requires the "T" to avoid ambiguity.
   ISO 8601 also requires (in section that a decimal fraction
   be proceeded by a "0" if less than unity.  Annex B.2 of ISO 8601
   gives examples where the decimal fractions are not preceded by a "0".
   This grammar assumes section is correct and that Annex B.2 is
   in error.

ISO 8601には曖昧な部分があるため、いくつかの解釈をなさなければならなかったことに注意が必要である。まず初めに、ISO 8601は基本的フォーマットと拡張フォーマットの混合が許容可能かどうかが明確ではないが、この文法は混合を認める。ISO 8601は、24時が0分0秒でのみ許容可能かどうかが明確ではないが、この文法は24時がどんな文脈でも認められると想定する。「5.7. 制限」でのdate-mdayの制限が適用される。ISO 8601は、場合によっては"T"が除かれる可能性を示唆しているが、この文法では曖昧性を避けるため"T"は必須である。ISO 8601では、1以下の少数は0から始めることが要求される(章)。しかし、ISO 8601の付記B.2では、10進数の前に0がない例を挙げている。この文法では5.3.1.3章が正しく付記B.2が誤っていると想定する。

   date-century    = 2DIGIT  ; 00-99
   date-decade     =  DIGIT  ; 0-9
   date-subdecade  =  DIGIT  ; 0-9
   date-year       = date-decade date-subdecade
   date-fullyear   = date-century date-year
   date-month      = 2DIGIT  ; 01-12
   date-wday       =  DIGIT  ; 1-7  ; 1 is Monday, 7 is Sunday
   date-mday       = 2DIGIT  ; 01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31 based on
                             ; month/year
   date-yday       = 3DIGIT  ; 001-365, 001-366 based on year
   date-week       = 2DIGIT  ; 01-52, 01-53 based on year

   datepart-fullyear = [date-century] date-year ["-"]
   datepart-ptyear   = "-" [date-subdecade ["-"]]
   datepart-wkyear   = datepart-ptyear / datepart-fullyear

   dateopt-century   = "-" / date-century
   dateopt-fullyear  = "-" / datepart-fullyear
   dateopt-year      = "-" / (date-year ["-"])
   dateopt-month     = "-" / (date-month ["-"])
   dateopt-week      = "-" / (date-week ["-"])

   datespec-full     = datepart-fullyear date-month ["-"] date-mday
   datespec-year     = date-century / dateopt-century date-year
   datespec-month    = "-" dateopt-year date-month [["-"] date-mday]
   datespec-mday     = "--" dateopt-month date-mday
   datespec-week     = datepart-wkyear "W"
                       (date-week / dateopt-week date-wday)
   datespec-wday     = "---" date-wday
   datespec-yday     = dateopt-fullyear date-yday

   date              = datespec-full / datespec-year
                       / datespec-month /
   datespec-mday / datespec-week / datespec-wday / datespec-yday


   time-hour         = 2DIGIT ; 00-24
   time-minute       = 2DIGIT ; 00-59
   time-second       = 2DIGIT ; 00-58, 00-59, 00-60 based on
                              ; leap-second rules
   time-fraction     = ("," / ".") 1*DIGIT
   time-numoffset    = ("+" / "-") time-hour [[":"] time-minute]
   time-zone         = "Z" / time-numoffset

   timeopt-hour      = "-" / (time-hour [":"])
   timeopt-minute    = "-" / (time-minute [":"])

   timespec-hour     = time-hour [[":"] time-minute [[":"] time-second]]
   timespec-minute   = timeopt-hour time-minute [[":"] time-second]
   timespec-second   = "-" timeopt-minute time-second
   timespec-base     = timespec-hour / timespec-minute / timespec-second

   time              = timespec-base [time-fraction] [time-zone]

   iso-date-time     = date "T" time


   dur-second        = 1*DIGIT "S"
   dur-minute        = 1*DIGIT "M" [dur-second]
   dur-hour          = 1*DIGIT "H" [dur-minute]
   dur-time          = "T" (dur-hour / dur-minute / dur-second)
   dur-day           = 1*DIGIT "D"
   dur-week          = 1*DIGIT "W"
   dur-month         = 1*DIGIT "M" [dur-day]
   dur-year          = 1*DIGIT "Y" [dur-month]
   dur-date          = (dur-day / dur-month / dur-year) [dur-time]

   duration          = "P" (dur-date / dur-time / dur-week)


   period-explicit   = iso-date-time "/" iso-date-time
   period-start      = iso-date-time "/" duration
   period-end        = duration "/" iso-date-time

   period            = period-explicit / period-start / period-end

付記B. 曜日

   The following is a sample C subroutine loosely based on Zeller's
   Congruence [Zeller] which may be used to obtain the day of the week
   for dates on or after 0000-03-01:

下記は、0000-03-01以降の日付の曜日を得るために用いるZeller's Congruenceに厳密ではないが基づいたCのサンプルサブルーチンである:

   char *day_of_week(int day, int month, int year)
      int cent;
      char *dayofweek[] = {
         "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
         "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"

      /* adjust months so February is the last one */
      month -= 2;
      if (month < 1) {
         month += 12;
      /* split by century */
      cent = year / 100;
      year %= 100;
      return (dayofweek[((26 * month - 2) / 10 + day + year
                        + year / 4 + cent / 4 + 5 * cent) % 7]);

付記C. うるう年

   Here is a sample C subroutine to calculate if a year is a leap year:


   /* This returns non-zero if year is a leap year.  Must use 4 digit
   int leap_year(int year)
       return (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0));

付記D. うるう秒

   Information about leap seconds can be found at:
   <http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/leapsec.html>.  In particular, it notes

      The decision to introduce a leap second in UTC is the
      responsibility of the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS).
      According to the CCIR Recommendation, first preference is given to
      the opportunities at the end of December and June, and second
      preference to those at the end of March and September.



   When required, insertion of a leap second occurs as an extra second
   at the end of a day in UTC, represented by a timestamp of the form
   YYYY-MM-DDT23:59:60Z.  A leap second occurs simultaneously in all
   time zones, so that time zone relationships are not affected.  See
   section 5.8 for some examples of leap second times.

必要に応じて、うるう秒の挿入はUTCの1日の終りに余分な秒を発生させ、タイムスタンプの書式はYYYY-MM-DDT23:59:60Zと表される。うるう秒は全ての時間帯で同時に生じるため、時間帯に影響されることはない。うるう秒の例については「5.8. 例」を参照のこと。

   The following table is an excerpt from the table maintained by the
   United States Naval Observatory.  The source data is located at:



   This table shows the date of the leap second, and the difference
   between the time standard TAI (which isn't adjusted by leap seconds)
   and UTC after that leap second.


   UTC Date  TAI - UTC After Leap Second
   --------  ---------------------------
   1972-06-30     11
   1972-12-31     12
   1973-12-31     13
   1974-12-31     14
   1975-12-31     15
   1976-12-31     16
   1977-12-31     17
   1978-12-31     18
   1979-12-31     19
   1981-06-30     20
   1982-06-30     21
   1983-06-30     22
   1985-06-30     23
   1987-12-31     24
   1989-12-31     25
   1990-12-31     26
   1992-06-30     27
   1993-06-30     28
   1994-06-30     29
   1995-12-31     30
   1997-06-30     31
   1998-12-31     32


Copyright (C) 2006 七鍵 key@do.ai 初版:2006年10月06日 最終更新:2006年10月06日