Because Atom is an XML-based format, existing XML security mechanisms can be used to secure its content.
Producers of feeds and/or entries, and intermediaries who aggregate feeds and/or entries, may have sound reasons for signing and/or encrypting otherwise-unprotected content. For example, a merchant might digitally sign a message that contains a discount coupon for its products. A bank that uses Atom to deliver customer statements is very likely to want to sign and encrypt those messages to protect their customers' financial information and to assure the customer of their authenticity. Intermediaries may want to encrypt aggregated feeds so that a passive observer cannot tell what topics the recipient is interested in. Of course, many other examples exist as well.
The algorithm requirements in this section pertain to the Atom Processor. They require that a recipient, at a minimum, be able to handle messages that use the specified cryptographic algorithms. These requirements do not limit the algorithms that the sender can choose.
The root of an Atom Document (i.e., atom:feed in an Atom Feed Document, atom:entry in an Atom Entry Document) or any atom:entry element MAY have an Enveloped Signature, as described by XML- Signature and Syntax Processing [W3C.REC-xmldsig-core-20020212].
要素には、XML Signature and Syntax Processing [W3C.REC-xmldsig-core-20020212]で説明されるようなエンベロープ署名を用いてよい(MAY)。
Atom Processors MUST NOT reject an Atom Document containing such a signature because they are not capable of verifying it; they MUST continue processing and MAY inform the user of their failure to validate the signature.
Atom処理装置は、署名の検証ができないとの理由でこのような署名を含むAtom文書を無視してはならず(MUST NOT)、必ず処理を実行し(MUST)、ユーザに署名の検証に失敗した旨を通知することができる(MAY)。
In other words, the presence of an element with the namespace URI "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" and a local name of "Signature" as a child of the document element MUST NOT cause an Atom Processor to fail merely because of its presence.
言い換えると、名前空間URI"http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"を持つ要素とローカル名が"Signature"である文書要素の子要素が存在するとの理由だけで、Atom処理装置は処理失敗であると判断をしてはならない(MUST NOT)。
Other elements in an Atom Document MUST NOT be signed unless their definitions explicitly specify such a capability.
Atom文書の他の要素は、機能を明示的に可能であると定義していない限り署名されてはならない(MUST NOT)。
Section 6.5.1 of [W3C.REC-xmldsig-core-20020212] requires support for Canonical XML [W3C.REC-xml-c14n-20010315]. However, many implementers do not use it because signed XML documents enclosed in other XML documents have their signatures broken. Thus, Atom Processors that verify signed Atom Documents MUST be able to canonicalize with the exclusive XML canonicalization method identified by the URI "http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#", as specified in Exclusive XML Canonicalization [W3C.REC-xml-exc-c14n-20020718].
[W3C.REC-xmldsig-core-20020212]の6.5.1章は、Canonical XML [W3C.REC-xml-c14n-20010315]をサポートすることを要求するが、他のXML文書に内含された署名済みXML文書の署名は使い物にならないため、Canonical XMLを使わない実装も多い。従って、署名済みAtom文書を検証するAtom処理装置は、Exclusive XML Canonicalization [W3C.REC-xml-exc-c14n-20020718]で定義されるURI"http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"によって示される排他的なXML正規化手段を用いて正規化できることが必須である(MUST)。
Intermediaries such as aggregators may need to add an atom:source element to an entry that does not contain its own atom:source element. If such an entry is signed, the addition will break the signature. Thus, a publisher of individually-signed entries should strongly consider adding an atom:source element to those entries before signing them. Implementers should also be aware of the issues concerning the use of markup in the "xml:" namespace as it interacts with canonicalization.
Section 4.4.2 of [W3C.REC-xmldsig-core-20020212] requires support for DSA signatures and recommends support for RSA signatures. However, because of the much greater popularity in the market of RSA versus DSA, Atom Processors that verify signed Atom Documents MUST be able to verify RSA signatures, but do not need be able to verify DSA signatures. Due to security issues that can arise if the keying material for message authentication code (MAC) authentication is not handled properly, Atom Documents SHOULD NOT use MACs for signatures.
[W3C.REC-xmldsig-core-20020212]の4.4.2章にて、DSA署名のサポートが要求されており、且つRSA署名のサポートが推奨されている。ただし、DSAに比べると市場における認知度はRSAの方が高いので、署名されたAtom文書を検証するAtom処理装置はRSA署名を検証できなければならず(MUST)、それとは反対に必ずしもDSA署名を検証できる必要はない。MAC認証のためのキーマテリアルが適切に処理されていないことが原因で起こるセキュリティ問題があるため、Atom文書ではMAC署名を用いるべきではない(SHOULD NOT)。
The root of an Atom Document (i.e., atom:feed in an Atom Feed Document, atom:entry in an Atom Entry Document) MAY be encrypted, using the mechanisms described by XML Encryption Syntax and Processing [W3C.REC-xmlenc-core-20021210].
要素)は、XML Encryption Syntax and Processing [W3C.REC-xmlenc-core-20021210]で定義される処理を用いて暗号化することができる(MAY)。
Section 5.1 of [W3C.REC-xmlenc-core-20021210] requires support of TripleDES, AES-128, and AES-256. Atom Processors that decrypt Atom Documents MUST be able to decrypt with AES-128 in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode.
Encryption based on [W3C.REC-xmlenc-core-20021210] does not ensure integrity of the original document. There are known cryptographic attacks where someone who cannot decrypt a message can still change bits in a way where part or all the decrypted message makes sense but has a different meaning. Thus, Atom Processors that decrypt Atom Documents SHOULD check the integrity of the decrypted document by verifying the hash in the signature (if any) in the document, or by verifying a hash of the document within the document (if any).
When an Atom Document is to be both signed and encrypted, it is generally a good idea to first sign the document, then encrypt the signed document. This provides integrity to the base document while encrypting all the information, including the identity of the entity that signed the document. Note that, if MACs are used for authentication, the order MUST be that the document is signed and then encrypted, and not the other way around.