Some transport protocols (such as ISO TP4 [ISOTP]) are not allowed to repacketize when doing a retransmission. That is, once an attempt is made to transmit a segment of a certain size, the transport cannot split the contents of the segment into smaller segments for retransmission. In such a case, the original segment can be fragmented by the IP layer during retransmission. Subsequent segments, when transmitted for the first time, should be no larger than allowed by the Path MTU.
(ISO TP4[ISOTP]のような)トランスポートプロトコルには、再送を行う際に際パケット化を認めないものがある。すなわち、一度一定サイズのセグメント伝送が試行されれば、トランスポートは再送のためにより小さいセグメントへとセグメントの内容を分割することができない。そのような場合、元になるセグメントは再送の間IP層によってフラグメント化されることができる。最初の伝送時、後続するセグメントは経路MTUによって認められた値よりも大きくあるべきではない。
The Sun Network File System (NFS) uses a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol [RPC] that, when used over UDP, in many cases will generate payloads that must be fragmented even for the first-hop link. This might improve performance in certain cases, but it is known to cause reliability and performance problems, especially when the client and server are separated by routers.
Sun Network File System(NFS)は、UDP上で用いられる際に多くの場合最初のホップリンクさえ分割されなければならないペイロードを生成するRPCプロトコルを用いる。これは確かにパフォーマンスが改善されるかもしれないが、信頼性とパフォーマンスの問題を、特にクライアント及びサーバがルータを介するとき、引き起こすことが知られている。
It is recommended that NFS implementations use Path MTU Discovery whenever routers are involved. Most NFS implementations allow the RPC datagram size to be changed at mount-time (indirectly, by changing the effective file system block size), but might require some modification to support changes later on.
Also, since a single NFS operation cannot be split across several UDP datagrams, certain operations (primarily, those operating on file names and directories) require a minimum payload size that if sent in a single packet would exceed the PMTU. NFS implementations should not reduce the payload size below this threshold, even if Path MTU Discovery suggests a lower value. In this case the payload will be fragmented by the IP layer.